Emily Crews of Footworks Percussive Dance Ensemble presents a delightful clogging duet titled “In Excess” that brings audiences a high energy, percussive experience. Clogging is a type of traditional step-dance that grew out of the mixing of Irish and English percussive dance forms with tap dance. Although clogging is often danced to string-band music, in this piece, Emily seeks to turn the tradition on its head by pairing it with an 80s pop song by INXS.
Emily Crews has been a professional dancer, choreographer, and dance educator since 1991 when she moved to the DC area after graduating from the College of William and Mary. Since the fall of 2000, she has been exploring her tap dance roots as a member of Footworks Percussive Dance Ensemble. In addition, Emily serves as the Financial Director for Dance Place.
November 9, 16, 23 at 7:30 pm (In Excess is performed Nov 9)
Theatre on the Run
3700 S Four Mile Run Dr, Arlington VA 22206